Lake Eola Charter School requires students to wear the appropriate school uniform as determined by their class schedule.
This year students have two options
- Wear uniforms with the Official LECS Logo from past years that they have acquired as students or through used uniform purchases from the PTSA
- Purchase through our Amazon store blank polos and generic pants, skirts, bottoms. Also available for purchase on Amazon are LECS PE shirts. Type “LECS Uniform” in the search box.
Polos options
Colors: red, black or white Fabric: cotton, or dry-fit
Pants color option- black
Click here to access these items for purchase from Amazon.

During cold weather students may wear any outer coat or jacket they wish to school. In the classroom, ONLY plain black or gray hoodies will be permitted.
Students may also wear a solid black, white, or red long-sleeve shirt underneath their short-sleeve polo shirt or P.E. shirt. No other colors are permitted.
In addition, please note the guidelines below:
- Platform shoes (including athletic shoes with platforms) are not permitted.
- No open-toe or backless shoes are permitted. Heels must be completely enclosed.
- If a jacket or coat has a hood, the hood cannot be pulled up over the head inside the building.
- Socks must be worn at all times. They may be any color. Leggings are permitted under uniforms.
- Shirts are to be tucked in properly at all times. Students are not to “blouse” the shirt over the belt. P.E. shirts do not have to be tucked in.
- Belts must be worn with uniform shorts or slacks, with the exception of Cluster I.
- No make-up is allowed for students in Cluster I or II.
Students not in compliance with the uniform policy will receive consequences.
Violations will start one month after school starts (or one month after a new student starts) and will be tracked by trimester (not the whole year). Teachers will note violations on a google spreadsheet (shared to all staff) during homeroom.
For students in K-3rd grade, the teacher will reach out to the parents and let them know about the violation. If a pattern continues, the teacher will let administration know about the repeated violations. (Sometimes it’s a matter of affordability and parents might not be forthcoming about that with teachers.)
For students in 4-8 grade, there will be a one time warning before violations start to count. The first violation that counts will be a verbal warning, the second violation will be a note or email to the parent, the third violation will be an after school detention.
Students that do not have any violations during the trimester will be given a free dress pass to be used within one week after the end of the trimester.
On non-uniform days the following dress code will be enforced:
- Clothes shall be worn as they are designed – suspenders over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, no underwear as outerwear, no underwear exposed, no inside-out clothing.
- Clothing with holes, tears or inappropriate patches is not permitted.
- Bare midriffs and bare sides should not show even when arms are extended above the head.
- Clothing that is too tight or revealing is unacceptable. Mid-thigh length tops must be worn over pants that are fitted like leggings.
- Garments and/or jewelry that display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, alcohol or tobacco related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school shall not be worn.
- Gang paraphernalia, jewelry, tattoos or other insignias which display, suggest, provoke or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school shall not be worn.
- The following items have potential to cause disruption or threat to a safe and positive school environment and are prohibited:
- Jewelry that contains any sort of sharp object.
- Chains hanging from the neck, belt, pocket or attached to wallet.
- Hemlines of shorts, dresses, skirts and skorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
- Shirts/blouses may be sleeveless following the 4-finger rule.
- Shoes and socks must be worn.
- Thong sandals, cleated shoes, open-toe or backless shoes are not permitted. Heels must be completely enclosed.
- No make-up is allowed for students in Cluster I or II.
Dress for a Cause
On certain Wednesdays throughout the school year, your child will have the opportunity to dress in Non-Uniform clothes if they participate in our special Dress for a Cause Day. These days have been designated as special school-wide fund-raisers to assist local and national charities that go along with our theme of the year, Stronger Together- Empowering Our Voices. Once again this year, Parents have the opportunity to Pre-Purchase their child’s Pass in order to participate each week, and by doing so will be able to purchase the pass at half the price of the weekly cost. If you were to buy each week individually, the cost would be $2.00 each week, if you purchase a half year pass (18 weeks) it is only $18.00 and a full year pass (36 weeks) is only $36.00. By purchasing the pass upfront, you guarantee that your child can participate each week with the special fundraisers, you alleviate having to remember to bring in your money each week, and we help to protect classroom time by not having teachers count money each Wednesday morning.
The special fundraisers for this year are listed below:
- September 4- Autism Society of Greater Orlando
- September 11- 9/11 Memorial Fund
- September 18- Prostate Cancer Alliance
- September 25- Project Downtown Orlando
- October 2- Breast Cancer FL Hospital Initiative
- October 9- American Cancer Society
- October 16- Breast Cancer Research Foundation
- October 23- Special Olympics Florida
- October 30- Feeding America
- November 6- Holiday Support of Families in our Community
- November 13- 2nd Harvest Food Bank
- November 20- Holiday Support of Families in our Community
- December 4- Holiday Support of Families in our Community
- December 11- Holiday Support of Families in our Community
- January 8- Ying Science Expo
- January 15- Ying Science Expo
- January 22- We Are RARE
- January 29- Alzheimer’s Association
- February 5- Future Dreamers & Achievers
- February 12- Paramore Kids Zone
- February 19- One Heart One Woman
- February 26- American Heart Association
- March 5- Field Day Support
- March 12- Down Syndrome Foundation of Florida, Inc.
- March 26- Ronald McDonald House of Orlando
- April 2- Hope & Help East Orlando
- April 9- Student Recognition
- April 16- IDignity of Central Florida
- April 23- Brooke Strong Foundation
- April 30- Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida
- May 7- Harbor House
- May 14- Zebra Coalition
- May 21- Alumni Scholarship Program
To purchase your pass, simply login to SchoolPay by visiting and look for the option to purchase your full year or half year Pass. Receipt of your purchase will be sent to your email address on file and your child’s teacher will also be notified after the purchase.
Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you in advance for helping to support these worthwhile fundraising efforts.